In a groundbreaking development over the past year, robotics has been increasingly integrated into STEMi after-school programs, benefiting more than 3,200 students across Africa.
STEMi Makers of Africa, an international nonprofit organization, is at the forefront of this transformation.
Committed to fostering inclusion, innovation, and empowerment, the organization provides technical skills and STEM learning resources to help societies achieve self-reliance and address Africa’s economic challenges.
With operations in the United States, South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, and the United Kingdom, STEMi Makers of Africa is driving significant progress in education.
This surge in robotics education is providing young learners with invaluable hands-on experience and practical exposure to STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields.
The introduction of robotics into educational institutions is transforming opportunities for African students, significantly enhancing their creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities.
This innovative approach is setting the stage for future leaders in technology and engineering.
Gratitude is extended to partners, parents, community-based organizations, and supporters whose vital contributions and unwavering trust have been key in fostering these essential skills.
Their support is instrumental in driving innovation and elevating African countries on the global stage